Kräftig Fire Starter 5 inch Camping Fire Starter Rod

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Uberleben Kräftig Fire Starter 5 Inch Camping Fire Starter Rod

The Überleben Kräftig is our wilderness workhorse. Made from a solid 1/2" ferrocerium rod; the same Sånft-kōrr™ ferro we use in our Zünden Series. The Kräftig includes a 3mm shock cord lanyard for multiple securing options, as well as a 6-function multi-tool scraper. Available in 5" or 8" lengths.

  • Up to 20,000 strikes from one beefy thick 1/2" (12.7mm) ferrocerium rod
  • Sånft-kōrr™ throws molten showers at 5,500º F (3,000º C)
  • Ignite a fire in any weather, at any altitude
  • Includes: Ferrocerium rod, multi-tool scraper, and 3mm shock-cord lanyard.
  • Weight: 4.2 oz (5") / 6.2 oz. (8")