
Trangia Kettle - 1.4 L

Regular price $30.25

Trangia Kettle - 1.4 L 

Kettle 245, 1.4 L in aluminum with lid. With wire handle and removable plastic cover, convenient when you want to use it over an open flame. Be cautious of plastic details such as the knob and the plastic cover for high heat and open flame. Our largest kettle at 1.4 L. This kettle does not fit the Trangia stove 25 Large and 27 Small.

Weight (g) 201

Made in Sweden

Trangia Kettles

The Kettle 25 Large fits Trangia stove 25 Large and Kettle 27 Small fits Trangia stove 27 Small.
All our other kettles are made for use with alternative heat sources such as over a campfire or on a gas stoves – they do not fit on a Trangia stove. The cover on the handle can be removed if you make your coffee over an open fire. Feel free to remove the lid as the knob is also sensitive to direct flames from the fire.

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