Caught By SWAT

Caught By SWAT Contest Free Gear Win

The #caughtbyswat challenge is going strong!⁣⁣
❌How to enter❌ : ⁣⁣
✅Obtain your CAUGHT BY SWAT sticker from inside your Original SWAT boot box OR at SURVIVAL GEAR CANADA, your Original SWAT authorized dealer, OR by contacting our customer service department⁣⁣.
✅Take a picture proudly displaying your CAUGHT BY SWAT sticker in a⁣⁣
fun, creative, safe &🚨LEGAL🚨manner⁣
⁣ ❌(please keep PG-13 or your entry will be discarded) ❌👎🚮⁣⁣
✅Post photos of your gear with our decal on, along with our hashtag #caughtbyswat and #survivalgearcanada and tag us on your social media post @originalswat⁣⁣
✅Contest winners will be selected based on how well it fits our ‘Tactical Performance Matters’ or ‘Pride Trust Respect’ ideology⁣⁣
👍🏻Must be 18 years of age or older⁣⁣
👍🏻No purchase necessary⁣⁣
👍🏻Valid to US and CA residents only⁣⁣
👍🏻Void where prohibited by law⁣⁣
👍🏻Entires must be submitted by 8am EST on the last day of each month to qualify for the monthly prize⁣⁣
👍🏻Grand prize winner will be selected from the 12 monthly winners by Original SWAT⁣⁣
Original SWAT reserves the right to change, modify, or cancel the contest at any time ⁣⁣
Contest ends December 31, 2019 at 5pm EST⁣

Caught By SWAT Contest Win $500 Worth Of Gear

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