The CITT Prohibits the Import of Folding Knives

This email was sent to me this morning.  The government feels that a folding pocket knife that uses a thumb stud to open is now a prohibited weapon.

Here is the email with the links,  I would like everyone to share this and sign the petition against this B.S.




 Would you please add a news article to your homepage for the House of Commons e-petition: E-1552 Petition to the Government of Canada as the Canadian International Trade Tribunal has deemed one-hand opening knives prohibited from import and this CTV video news story.

 The e-petition has been sponsored by the Member of Parliament Matt Jeneroux.

 The Notification of Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) Decision on Centrifugal Opening Knives Customs Notice 18-01 has prohibited the import of one-hand opening knives.  This includes a knife that requires a thumb stud on the blade to be manually pushed by the thumb to open the blade.  This type of knife should not be confused with an automatic blade, sometimes called a switchblade or any other type of centrifugal opening knife.

 The CITT has taken it upon itself to include one-handed opening knives of the import banned list as prohibited, although they are not a prohibited weapon and legal to own in Canada.  I repeat a one-handed opening knife can be purchased legally in any store in Canada as it is not considered a prohibited weapon under Canadian law.


If you require further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

 Yours very truly,

 Sean Evans, CPA, CGA, MBA

Ottawa, ON


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  • Jason Harasymchuk on

    This is a law which has no reasons behind it. Take a stronger take on guns, and gun safety.

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